Math 246 Information and Schedule

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Schedule: Unless otherwise noted, you do not need to bring your texbook to class unless you have a question on a homework problem assigned from the textbook.

Mon Wed Thurs Fri

Sept 2
Do before class: you do not need to bring your textbook
In class topic: Well definedness of sets
Homework assigned: *Read section 2.1 and do the assignment: *Naming sets

Do before class: Read section 2.1: Sets and Venn Diagrams
In class topic: Intersections and unions of sets
Homework assigned:
Do before class:
In class topic: Set intersections
Homework assigned:
Yekkti's: pictures, problems.
Set Intersections.
Readings: Read section S.1 notes and practice problems.

Sept 7

Do before class: The homework assigned Friday is due today.
In class topic: Set notation
Homework assigned:
Read the notes and practice problems for S.2 and  S.3.  Do the problem set from S.3 (this was handed out in class)
Do before class: Finish the homework that was due yesterday
In class topic: More practice with Venn diagrams
Lab links
Do before class: [homework assigned Weds]
In class topic: set definitions, children's understandings of shape, and Van Hiele levels
Homework assigned: Read "Young Children's Ideas About Geometric Shape" which is in D2L->Content->Readings

Sept 14 Do before class: [readings]
In class topic: properties of quadrilaterals
Homework assigned: Find all the properties you can for rectangles and trapezoids.
Read about Van Heile levels

Do before class:
In class topic: Venn diagrams with quadrilaterals
Homework assigned
Do before class:
In class topic: Review of Venn diagrams (on-line)
Homework assigned: Venn review assignment
(note: if you do better on this assignment than on the previous one, I will also raise that grade)
Do before class:
In class topic: Quadrilaterals, definitions and properties
Homework assigned: Quadrilaterals asssignment
Sept 21 Do before class:
In class topic: Triangles and properties of triangles
Homework assigned: A Triangle Assn
In class topic: Symmetry
Homework assigned: Finish finding all of the reflection lines and rotation angles on the worksheet.
In class topic: 2 reflections (with intersecting reflection lines) gives the same thing as a rotation
In class topic: Transformations
Homework assigned: finish the transformations practice sheet
Sept 28
In class topic: 2- and 3-step transformations
Homework assigned: practice sheet
In class topic: More transformations (?)
Homework assigned: Review for test
In class topic: Review for test. (Maybe something else as well if there's time)
Homework assigned
First exam
Oct 5 Angles in polygons

More tessellations
Oct 12 In class topic: Math Standards
If you missed class, do the readings and videos I used with my summer class on the Standards
Homework assigned Analyze math standards in a lesson.
In class topic: Finding and explaining patterns

In class topic: Finding and explaining patterns
web site: Wisweb
In class topic: More patterns and functions
If you missed class, or got confused you canwatch the videos I made for my summer class here.  The ones near the bottom of the page are particularly relevant.
Homework assigned: This homework sheet
Oct 19
In class topic: CGI types
Vid #1: Join
Vid#2: Separate
Homework assigned Analyze math standards in another lesson
In class topic: More CGI types
Vid #3: Part-Part-Whole
Vid #4: Compare
Homework assigned: Write a word problem for each of the 11 CGI addition and subtraction problem types.
In class topic: Identifying CGI types
Homework assigned: Take the real quiz on D2L
In class topic: Addition and subtraction strategies
Readings: the Q&A from Thinnking with Numbers
Homework assigned:
Here is the assignment.  It's due Wednesday because I didn't get it posted right away.
Oct 26
In class topic: Multiplication and division problem types.
Homework assigned: Optional redo for the explaining functions assignment. (due Friday)
Homework assigned:
Write a word problem for each of the multiplication and division problem types here. (Due Thurs)
(More about the problem types to read here)
Review vids:
Div part 1; Div part 2

Do the practice multiplication and division quiz on D2L.  When you are confident about doing those problems, take the real multiplication and division quiz on D2L
It was getting rather long, so the stuff from Friday Oct 30 is here

Nov 2 Base 10 and base 5.
HW: convert  3015, 1245 and 10025 into base 10.
Optional vids to watch:
Base 5
base 5 to base 10
Today we added and subtracted numbers in base 5, and looked at a couple of alternate algorithms and how you get them from what you do with the blocks
No class Thurs and Fri.  Instead watch and do these:
Addition vids:
Addition HW
Subtraction vids (warning! these are about twice as long as the addition vids):
Subtraction homework

Nov 9
Take home quiz, due Weds (you may use your notes and the web site, but you may not work together/discuss it/get tutors to help)
Practice problems for test (1-16 only)
Review solutions
Second Exam

Nov 16 Concrete to abstract The explaining the addition algorithm assignment.

Nov 23 Multiplication assignment
Optional videos:
Mult with array vid 1, vid 2
Expanded and standard vid
Stamp game mult vid 1, vid 2
Checkerboard and lattice vid
Nov 30 Begin division today
Explain the standard subtraction algorithm this week (due Friday)

Division assignment (due Monday)

Dec 7 Fuction game Snow day! Equals sign
Study problems

Dec 14 Last day of classes
Do before class:
In class topic: Review

Final exam Dec 16 3:30-5:30