If you missed class or if you forgot what we did in class, you can watch the videos and do the readings that I put together for an on line class I have taught. Read/watch the stuff under the headings Format and structure of the math standards and Process standards.Either watch the video lesson: # 20: Shapes from Squares in the Teaching Math Video Library K-4 at http://learner.org/resources/series32.html You will be asked to sign up for a free membership to be able to watch videos on this site. If your computer is a Mac, you will also need to install Flip4Mac
Read the lesson More About Dates: A lesson for grades 4-5 from the Math Solutions issue 34 newsletter
Then write an analysis of the lesson telling 1 content and 1 process standard that are featured prominently in this lesson.
- Identify one and only one specific content topic that is prominently addressed in the lesson.
- Give as specific a description as you can of what the math content is. You may wish to quote sub-goals from the standards
- Tell me what children are doing in the lesson that shows they are learning or practicing that content.
- Identify one and only one specific mathematical process that is prominently addressed in the lesson
- Quote an appropriate sub-goal from the standards that describes how the process appears in the lesson
- Tell me what children are doing in the lesson that shows they are learning or practicing that process.