Syllabus-type information here
Guidelines on how to submit assignments.
Unit 1: Early Number and Operations Concepts
Section 1: Standards and early number concepts July 13-14
Section 2 : CGI: ways to understand the four basic operations and how children learn them. July 14-17
Unit 1 topics to review; and an outline of what will be on the test. when you have reviewed, and are ready to take the exam, e-mail me and I will send you the exam. The exam should be treated as a closed book exam, with a 90 minute time limit (I am writing a 50 minute exam, but you may take up to 90 minutes). July 22
Unit 2: Base ten numbers, and algorithms for the basic operations
for multi-digit numbers
Unit 3: Fractions
Section 7: Fraction basics, equivalence
factorization Aug 3-4
Section 8: Adding and subtracting
fractions (I would like to think this is a short section.
may be an illusion) Aug 5-6
Section 9: Multiplying and dividing
fractions (easily the longest section
in the course) Aug 7,10-11
Exam: Review topics. Instructions for taking exams. Aug 12
Unit 4: Decimals, percents, integers, ratios and a little bit of algebra.(this one consists of more sections, but the sections are shorter than most of the preceding sections)
After you have finished the work for the course, please fill out the
end of course survey D2L->Surveys
(to the left of Logout)-> End of
course survey. If everyone who completes the course fills
out the survey, I'll give everyone an bonus points!