Different models for fractions (ways to
approach the idea of fraction) Representations of fractions
(how to draw part-whole and repeated unit
Fill out this exploration
guide, using either the fraction circle physical manipulatives you
have cut out, or either the fraction
circle or fraction bars
applet (or some mixture of the two--experiment with the different
representations to see what gives you the most interesting insights)
Factors and multiples: what is a factor, what is a multiple? How to
find LCM and GCF two ways.
Watch: LCM, GCF
Read: Bassarear section 4.3
Assignment: Bassarear pg 250 # 6 a, b, c. Do each problem two
ways: by writing lists, and by using a prime factorization. pg
250 # 5, 7, 8, 9 Aug 4