Types of questions to be prepared for:
- Representing decimals with a grid, a number line, and base-10
- Convert fractions to decimals using a grid and using division
- Convert decimals to fractions
- Explaining how to add or subtract decimals, including place value
language for how to line up the numbers vertically
- Multiplying decimals with a grid and with numbers, including
explaining how to place the decimal in the answer
- Dividing decimals, including explaining how to convert to a form
with no decimal in the divisor
- Converting percents to decimals and fractions
- Converting fractions and decimals to percents
- Solving percent problems with and without a 100-grid, including
- Finding the percent that one number is of the others
- Finding the percent of increase or decrease
- Finding an amount after a percent increase or decrease
- Finding an amount before a percent increase or decrease
- Solve ratio problems like those on the ratio problem solving
- Solve ratio problems with bar diagrams