Planned schedule:
Monday | Wednesday | Friday |
1/24 The golden ratio |
More about the golden ratio. (The golden ratio assignment is due next Monday) | Flow charts intro (assn due Monday) Proof blocks to print an article about flow chart proofs |
1/31 Compass and straightedge constructions (assn due Friday) | Patty-paper constructions (Serra 3.1-3.5) ______________ |
Incenter and Circumcenter (Serra 3.7) |
2/7 Excenter and Orthocenter |
Centroid (Serra 3.8) |
Review with emphasis on flow chart proofs. |
2/14 Inscribed angles (Serra 6.3) |
Problems likely to be on the exam Triangle centers treasure hunt. |
Exam |
Similarity theorems intro (Serra 11.2) ___________ |
2/21 How do you prove similarity? |
Pythagorean theorem proofs take 1 ____________ (____________) |
2/28 Circles and the Pythagorean theorem (Serra 9.6) _______________ |
Review Look again at the best angles in circles problems If you want to practice more on area with scaled up figures, go here |
Exam | |
3/14 spring | break | |
Patterns in Fractals (Serra p. 135-137) ____________ |
Self similarity and fractal dimension | |
3/28 Chaos game | Mandelbrot set Practice Web site |
4/4 Continue investigating compositions of transformations. | more compositions, and a little group theory | more compositions and frieze patterns Homework: create a frieze pattern for each of the 7 frieze pattern groups. |
4/11 more frieze patterns and wallpaper patterns | more wallpaper patterns or Euler's theorem.
exam |
4/18 isometric drawings | tessellations | tessellations |
4/25 tessellations--Escher and transformations | topology--1-D and Euler part 1 | topology Euler part 2 |
5/2 topology | finish topology and Euler | review |
Grading breakdown:
30% homework, projects, etc, 70% tests.