Set notation page 3


Page 1 Page 2, summary

Here are the complicated ones. (They're too hard for me to put on a test, but they are good exercise for your brain: if you can do these, you can do anything!)

All of the following say the same thing:


People who like apples or bananas, but not both.


People who like apples but not bananas, or* people who like bananas but not apples

*and or and/or could be used here


This one is really complicated.  The sentences on the right match the symbols on the left.  Order of operations says that you do  and  before -, so the first set of symbols means take the union of A and B:

and then take away the intersection:

And what’s left is your set:


In the second set of symbols, I needed to use parentheses to get the order right.  It says, do A-B:


and do B-A:

And take the union of those two to get:





People who like both or neither apples and bananas


This one puts together the one we just did, and the intersection.




People who don’t like both apples and bananas


People who don’t like apples or don’t like bananas.


This is a lot like the first one on this page.  

The first notation: says first figure out the intersection:

and then take the complement of that


The second notation: says first figure out the complements:


And then take the union (keep everything that is shaded in either version)



Here we are! the last funny, complicated thing you can do with only two sets:


People who like bananas or don’t like apples

People who like apples or don’t like bananas


There are other ways of writing correct set notation for these two, but I think these are the easiest.  For example, the first one says , take the union of the sets A and the complement of B:




Practice problems