me: e-mail: laurel(dot)langford(at)uwrf(dot)edu My schedule My office phone number: 715-425-3119 |
etc General syllabus |
Links: |
e-mail Dr Langford: laurel.langford@uwrf.edu
Schedule: Unless otherwise noted, you do not need to bring your texbook to class unless you have a question on a homework problem assigned from the textbook.
Mon | Wed | Thurs | Fri |
Jan 27 NH 16 Introductions and fraction representations. Homework: Read pages 1-3 of the lecture notes and bring questions to class |
NH 16 Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions |
NH 16 More with comparing fractions and equivalent fractions |
NH 320 |
Feb 3 NH 16 |
NH 16 |
NH 16 |
NH 320 |
Feb 10 NH 16 |
NH 16 Reading assignment: Read parts and wholes Try some word problems |
NH 16 | NH 320 Week 3 homework (due Monday) Class notes so far (up to pg 16) NLVM multiplication of fractions Geogebra multiplication file |
Feb 17 | Test 1 review sheet |
. | Exam 1 Online lesson and assignment. The assignment is to take and turn in the notes for the numbered questions in the lesson. |
Feb 24 Exam 1 | |||
Mar 3 Measurement division with two numberlines example 1; example 2 |
Homework: explain multiplication of mixed numbers two ways for the problem 2 2/3 x 1 1/2. Do it by showing how to simplify by FOILing visually, and do it by splitting into equal sized fraction pieces. | In class assignment: Fraction division Notebook to download. Examples for homework
Mar 10 In class: start solving these word problems. Study for the quiz. Solve the rest of the word problems and check your answers with these solutions. Then figure out whether each problem is multiplication or division (and what the number equation is) and check your answers here. |
3 more practice problems And the answers |
Mar 17 | Spring | Break | Week |
Mar 24 Area: rectangles and equality by subdividing About area (I am adding information to this page--keep coming back here for more area examples) Homework |
Parallelograms and triangles |
Circles and composed area. Assignment (due next Monday) Examples: h, i, j |
Pythagorean theorem and more lengths |
Mar 31 Lengths on a geoboard Assignment |
Ratios and similar triangles In class work (not collected) |
Homework (due Monday) | No on-campus class. Instead please do this. Homework from this link due Wednesday |
Apr 7 Area and similarity Homework |
prisms: nets and surface area | pyramids: surface area |
prisms and pyramids: volume |
Apr 14 Similar 3D shapes Topics to practice for test |
similarity and volume | lines and planes |
Measurement exam |
Apr 21 Ratios In class notes Handout (do last page as HW due Weds) |
more ratios Problem solving with changing ratios Record your answers on this sheet |
Describing ratios | Assignments: Ratio practice |
Apr 28 Percents: Videos to watch (Follow the video links in the middle of the page) Assignment |
numerical and categorical data |
Before Friday, please review averages: mean, median, and quartiles |
Averages and spread assignment |
May 5 Probability: tree diagrams and sequential events. Assignment (due Thursday) |
Probability: |
Some topics to study | review |
Final exam is | Weds May 14 at 10:15-12:15 |