This video shows me explaining what sorts of answers I expect on the lab assignment
- It includes a discussion of a rule #3 that was not assigned on your lab, so you can ignore the discussion of missing pieces and amounts less than 1
- It includes some specifics about rule #1.
- It does not include specifics about rule #2, but rule #2 should follow a similar pattern in that:
- rule 2 should have an "if" part (look at what the first set of examples have in common to figure out what the if should be)
- the explanation should use the condition from the if to say something about the fractions
- Your problem 3 is not explicitly discussed in the video, but you should be giving a unit fraction size and number of unit fractions explanation for it too
If you still need help you can talk to me during my office hours Monday (11-1 and 2-3) to get extra help and turn in your assignment afterwards.