Welcome to Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (Graduate Course)

e-mail me laurel.langford@uwrf.edu
Sumbitting homework procedure

Useful links:
Incompetech graph paper
Annenberg videos

Grading Policy
About re-done assignements

Due dates (recommended)

Unit 1:

About the course
Assn 1: D2L quiz "Syllabus Questions" due May 30
Section 1

Math Standards and Equality and the equals sign.

Assns 2, 3, 4 due May 30
Section 2 Counting
CGI: How children learn addition and subtraction

Assns 5-9 due June 6

Section 3

CGI: How children learn multiplication and division
(Note: section 3 is shorter than section 4, so getting a head start on section 4 would be smart!)

Assn 10-13 due June 13

Section 4

Teaching and learning basic facts

Assn 14-20 due June 20

General info on taking exams
Unit 1 exam topics to review

Take exam by June 23 (If all of your assignments from unit 1 and your exam are in by June 23, you get 10 points extra credit!)

Unit 2: Base ten numbers and multidigit algorithms
Section 5
Base 10 basics

Assn 21-24 due June 27

Section 6
Addition and subtraction algorithms

Assn 25-32 due July 4 (or 5 or 6...)

Section 7

Multiplication and division

Assn 33-39 due July 11

Unit 2 exam review topics
and solutions and comments

Take exam 2 July 15 (Have all assignments from sections 1-7 turned in and exam 2 taken by July 15, and you get 10 points extra credit!)

Unit 3:Fractions

Section 8
Fraction basics
Assn 40-45 due July 18
Section 9
Adding and subtracting
Assn 46-51 due July 25.
Section 10
Multiplying and dividing
Assn 52-60 due Aug 1
Unit 3 review

Take exam 3 (Have all assignments in and exam 3 taken by Aug 10* to earn extra credit!)
*the deadline is about a week later than usual because I will be traveling Aug 3-6, and won't be available to grade, give feedback, send tests, etc.).

Unit 4:  Decimals percents and ratios

Section 11

Assn 61-63 due Aug 8
Section 12
Assn 64 due Aug 15
Section 13

Assn 65-67 due Aug 20
Unit 4 review

Take exam 4 by Aug 22 (Last day of the class according to esis)