Rings and Subrings

How to submit homework and take quizzes

Monday, May 18: the definition of a ring, examples of rings, and how to prove that a set is or is not a ring.

In the definitions and theorems file, you should be looking at page 6.

Video lectures:
  Assignment:3.1 # 1, 5b, c, f, 6a,b 

Tuesday May 19: proving properties of rings (similar to proofs you did earlier for groups)

Video Lectures:
  Assignment (.docx) also available as a .pdf

Wednesday May 20: study for the quiz on rings and properties of rings.

The quiz has 5 problems:
one like 3.1 #5, one like 3.1 #6, one like 3.1 #1, and two proofs (chosen from those in the second assignment, but with only short hints, no fill-in-the-blank structure).

Thursday, May 21: Take the quiz

How to take the quiz: document explanation, or  video demo