Lesson plans and other teaching assignments.


The following must be completed in order The following can be completed in any time

Observe and report on a math lesson in your field placement classroom

Analyze the math content in the textbook for your field placement class

Lesson plan idea

An inteview with several children in your field placement class (You must have feedback on your lesson plan idea before conducting your interviews)

Rough draft of a lesson plan, addressing teacher standards requirements (you must have completed your interviews before submitting your lesson plan draft)

SMART Notebook for use with your lesson plan or other technology tool preparation.

Completed lesson plan (you must have feedback on your draft before submitting your completed lesson plan)

Teach lesson (you must have approval of your lesson plan by me and your cooperating teacher before teaching your lesson)

Teacher standard reflection (you should write this soon after teaching the lesson)

Assist your field placement teacher in teaching one of the usual class math lessons. Submit a reflection on your teaching experience.