Communication Standard Lesson Plan Requirements:

You should submit your lesson plan using the Lesson Outline format. Expand the sections as needed to include all of the details for your lesson.

This lesson must have the necessary components to be an artifact for teacher standard 6:

Teachers communicate well.
The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

What I will be looking for:

You should include enough detail in the "teacher does" section of your lesson plan that I can tell that you have planned carefully your verbal and non-verbal communication. I will also be looking in this section for evidence that you are giving good instructions to children for how you expect them to work in groups or partners. If you will be able to use your technology piece in the classroom, you should include details on it in the "teacher does" section also. If you will not be using the technology piece in the classroom, you will discuss this in the reflection but not in the lesson plan.

There should be specific examples of things that you are doing in the lesson in the "inquiry components" and the "collaborative components" sections of the lesson outline sheet.

You are not required to have anything "practice" and "individual" components section. You should have something in the "Assessment" and "meaningful content" sections, though this does not have to be as detailed as what you did last semester.