Web-based math placement tool for UWRF summer 2020:

Enter placement score and prior course information:

If the student's last algebra class does not appear on this list, you can contact Laurel Langford in Teams with the information you have about the class.

Recommended Course Placements:

The course(s) that is/are recommended based on the student's ACT Math and/or Math Placement Exam score is:

The course(s) that is/are recommended based on the student's Math Course history:

Allowed Provisional Course Placements:

The course(s) that students can be enrolled into on a provisional basis, based on their math course history is/are:

General Information for Advisors:

Because very few students have taken the Math Placement Test this year (because the test was not released on time), please use this tool to help with math placement, and then request permission numbers from me (Laurel Langford) in Microsoft Teams: Math as needed. A permission number will be required for all enrollment into a remedial math class (10, 25 or 30) during July 15-19.

When requesting a permission number, please tell me that you have checked the placement using this web placement tool.

Students who are placed by ACT or MAFOR scores do not need a permission number for classes higher than 30. Students taking Math 46 with Math 146 will need to sign up for a section of Math 46 before adding 146 to their schedule.

You may request a permission number based on the course history placement for Fall semester courses. Students who do not register for a math class in Fall will be expected to take a placement test before they register for next Spring semester.

Provisional Course Placements:

If the provisional course options are higher level than the prior placements, you may request a provisional permission number for any of these classes based on this placement for Fall semester for students who believe they are ready for the course in question. The student will need to take a placement test by July 1 to verify that this is an appropriate placement. I will contact students in July via email if they have not met the placement test requirement. I will try to help them move to a different math class (and if I can't contact students via email, they will be dropped from the class).

To request a provisional permission number, please specify that it is a provisional permission number, and send the student's name and w-number along with the request.

Please send this file with information on math placement test options and scores to any students who are planning to take a math placement test: Math-Placement-Options-UWRF-2020.pdf.

Information for comparing High School to College Math Classes

UWRF Math Class Similar High School Class
MATH 10 Algebra I
MATH 30 First Half of Algebra II
MATH 146 Algebra II (second half)
MATH 147 Pre-Calculus trigonometry + matrices
MATH 149 Pre-Calculus trigonometry + rational functions
MATH 166 Calculus AB/Calculus I