Things to practice for the test:

1. Be able to explain how we got the area formula for the parallelogram from the area formula for the rectangle

2. Be able to explain how to deduce the area formula for the triangle.

3. Be able to identify the base and height of a triangle on a grid, and find the area (corrected). Practice problems

4. Be able to draw in and label the height for any triangle given a side identified as the base. Practice problems

5. Composed areas (area made up of smaller geometric shapes). The problems on this web site are similar to what we've been doing. Scroll down to Area-compound shapes. Look at both the additive and subtractive problems

6. Perimeters of composed shapes (corrected). Practice

7. Identify prisms and pyramids. Practice.

8. Surface area and volume of a prism (#2 corrected). Practice

9. Surface area and volume of a pyramid (fixed). Practice

10. Scaling and similarity (are these similar?) Practice

11. Scaling and length, area and volume: picture problems; word problems

12. Common misconceptions: