New topics (not on previous exams):

Ratios, including:

More ratio practice; solutions

Percents, using both algebraic and 100-grid solution strategies (see practice problems with solutions for examples)

Describing data, including:

Data practice and solutions

Finding and representing probabilities using area and tree diagrams. Practice, answers

For previous topics, study your old exams and quizzes, keeping in mind that I will be looking for similar problems that may not have been included last time. I am intending to put a problem on the final exam where you will sketch a net for a pyramid or prism, given the base.

Calculators will not be allowed on the part of the test that assesses your knowledge of fractions, and will be allowed for the sections on measurement, data and probability.

You should expect at least one question about multiplication of fractions and/or mixed numbers. More fraction practice. Video answers to: problem 1 (represent a fraction), problem 2 (find a common denominator), problem 3 (explain fraction multiplication), problem 4 (multiplication and division word problems), problem 5 (identify fractions from a rectangular diagram). Just the visuals of the answers.