Field Experience Assignments Fall 2014


Observe several math classes. Ask your cooperating teacher how you can best be helpful while observing the lessons. Post observations to each of the discussion boards, and be prepared to discuss your observations in class. Please make your posts long and detailed enough that we can all understand and learn from what you're seeing in the classroom.

How does your cooperating teacher help children make sense of math?

Look for things that your cooperating teacher does well that you can learn from. I'm hoping that someone in the class will have helpful observations to share about how their cooperating teacher helps children make sense of math. This might include:

How does your cooperating teacher show respect for children and encourage children to show respect for each other?

Every teacher needs to establish classroom rules and norms that help the classroom run smoothly. These rules and norms need to be reinforced throughout the year. Look for ways the teacher keeps things running smoothly. Things you might look for include big ideas like:

or smaller strategies like:

How do children learn and think differently?

All classes have special needs students, though they may not have IEP plans or obvious labels. (One could make a good argument that all children have special need). Look for the children who struggle with numbers or need a challenge. Tell us what you notice, and how you've interacted with these children. To be respectful of their privacy, you can give them a pseudonym, or use only a first name or initials when writing about them. If you notice that the teacher is doing things to differentiate instruction for students, let us know what you see.

Number talks/math talks:

Plan and conduct two number talks.

When choosing a problem to ask, consider:

For each math talk, you should:

1. Make a plan.

2. Conduct the math talk:

3. Report on what you learned

Math read aloud

Math read aloud: plan a math read aloud. Either do the math read aloud with the entire class or with at least 2 small groups.

Your math read aloud should be a mini-lesson consisting of reading all or part of a chidrens book, several math questions that are tied into the book, and an extended activity or discussion that follows up on the math questions inspired by the book. You should plan this to last about 20 minutes.

Lesson plan template


Write a reflection on teaching the math read aloud.

Video recording:

Video record yourself working with students in one of the fiels experience assignments.

If your recording is more than 10 minutes, please edit it down to one or two smaller clips (10 minutes total or less)

Watch your video recording, and write a reflection (at least 500 words) addressing how you managed the teacher-student interactions and student-student interactions in the clip, with a focusing on respect in the classroom: do the children feel that you are treating them with respect? Are they showing respect for each other? Discuss things that you did that helped establish a respectful tone, and also childrens behaviors that did or didn't show respect for each other. Discuss what could be done to increase or reinforce respectful behavior in the future (this can be continuing with things that are already working, or it can be ideas for improvement).