Computer stuff you'll need:


D2L has some issues with Internet Explorer, so you should install Firefox to have as a backup internet browser.  Your web browser probably has all or most of the plug-ins you'll need.  If, however, you go to a page that should have video or audio or a game or applet or survey and you get nothing, or you get an error, then you might need to update one of these plug-ins.  If you run into trouble, let me know, and I'll point you in the direction of what you are most likely to need.

Just-in-case links:

Test your internet set-up here

Video-recording software:

No, I don't need videos of you (you don't need a webcam), but you will be making some videos that prominently feature your computer screen.  For that, you need some video screen capture software.  Please install Jing. on your computer.  Follow the download and install instructions on the Jing site.  If you run into difficulties, send me an e-mail.

Please test Jing

SMART Board software:

You'll be doing at least one presentation this semester or next semester on the SMART Board, and we'll be doing some little assignments along the way to get you used to the software you'll be using.  Please download and install the software now:
Go to the SMART Tech download site: .  You should be downloading and installing the SMART Notebook collaborative learning software (the first choce on the page).  The activation code is on the D2L main page.

Please test SMART Notebook

**Scanner and dropbox:

There will be times when you will need to scan in hand-written work and turn it in as a file.  If you don't have a scanner yourself, your local library almost certainly does. 

**We got cut off at the end of class, so I'm simplifying this assignment.  The main purpose of the assignment is to figure out how a scanner works, and how to put things in a D2L dropbox.  Your task is to try to do those two things, and if you get stuck and can't do either of them, to e-mail me and tell me what didn't work.