This semester you will be teaching two lessons in your field placement classroom

The Math Literature lesson plan:

After you get to know the class you are in during this semester, you will be revising your Math-Literature lesson plan.  Your revision will need to account for the following considerations:
Things you may do:
Things you must do:

The Communication lesson plan:

Teacher Standard 6 reads: Teachers communicate well. The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

Key phrases are:
You will be writing two such lesson plans: one with a focus on properties in geometry, and one with a focus on measurement.  You should consult with your cooperating teacher about whether you will revise one of those to teach, or if you will prepare a lesson to teach based on materials that your cooperating teacher provides. 

The lesson plans you submit must contain both a section that describes the lesson itself, and a section that describes how your lesson will show how you meet teacher standard 6.

The details of the communcation lesson plan assignment.