Quadrilateral relationships questions.
Note: you should make sure you understand the reasoning and examples,
not just the yes/no answer.
1. Is every square a rhombus?
2. Is every square a rectangle?
3. Is every square a parallelogram?
4. Is every square a quadrilateral?
5. Is every rectangle a square?
6. Is every rectangle a rhombus?
7. is every rectangle a parallelogram?
8. Are there any rectangles that are squares?
9. Are there any rectangles that are rhombi?
10. Is every rhombus a square?
11. Is every rhombus a rectangle?
12. Is every rhombus a parallelogram?
13. Are there any rhombi that are squares?
14. Are there any rhombi that are rectangles?
15. Are there any rhombi that are parallelograms?
16. Is every parallelogram a square?
17. Is every parallelogram a rectangle?
18. Is every parallelogram a rhombus?
19. Are any parallelograms squares?
20. Are any parallelograms rectangles?
21. Are any parallelograms rhombi?
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