Math and Literature lesson plan revision assignment.
It is strongly reccommended that you do the following before tackling
this assignment.
- Re-read your lesson plan that you wrote last semester
- Re-read the lesson narrative that was given to you along with
your book
- Observe the class you will be teaching in during Math time
- Show the book to your cooperating teacher, and outline for
her/him your lesson plan and/or the lesson narrative that was given to
you along with your book
- e-mail or Skype me about major changes you are considering.
You must write up and turn in (these may be in separate files, or in
the same file):
- Your lesson plan for the math and literature lesson plan,
including any revisions you wish to make to it.
- A lesson plan analysis that tells me:
- how you know that the math in your lesson is appropriate for
the grade level you will be teaching to.
- how your lesson plan is different from (or similar to) the
lesson plan/narrative that was given to you, and why you believe those
differences (or similarities) will be beneficial for the students you
will be teaching this to..