Guess My Rule:

Guess my rule is a game or puzzle where, by looking at examples (shapes) that fit a rule, "you" figure out and guess the rule.  In this file.  This homework assignment has 4 Venn diagrams.  Your job is to look at what is in each set (and what is not in each set) to figure out what the rule is for each set.  My set rules are properties like these:

Send me an e-mail if you want to see examples of any of these properties.

Here is the sheet of Venn diagrams for you to figure out: as a Word document, and as a pdf.  The shapes on these diagrams are just small versions of the lettered shapes on your shapes page.  I have not put in all of the shapes on all of the Venn diagrams: only the ones I thought would be most likely to be useful.  For example, if one of the properties was "has a right angle" and there is a shape with an angle close to, but not exactly a right angle, then I left it out, and didn't put it anywhere on the diagram, because I thought that would just be confusing.

You don't have to turn in the page with the pictures on it, you can just submit a file with the properties you figured out for the sets.   Your answer will be counted as correct if it works for all of the shapes on the diagram (there is one set for which there are two different ways of stating the property that all of the shapes have--both answers would be correct).

