Fraction assignments:
Assn I. Choosing good numbers:
- write 3 fraction addition problems that could be solved with 2
sets of the fraction circles you have, where both denominators are the
same, the sum is greater than 1, but there are no further
simplifications in the final answer
- write 3 fraction addition problems that could be solved with 2
sets of the fraction circles you have, where both denominators are the
same, the sum is greater than 1, and the answer can be simplified further after
trading in for 1 whole.
- write 3 fraction addition problems that could be solved with 2
sets of the fraction circles you have, where one fraction must be changed to an
equivalent fraction with a different denominator, and where neither of
the fractions is a unit* fraction
*A unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator is 1
Assn II. Showing/explaining how to solve a problem
- Write an illustrated explanation of how to find the sum (3/8) +
(7/8) using fraction circles (show and tell each of the steps)
- Write an illustrated explanation of how to find the sum (3/4) +
(5/8) using fraction circles (show and tell each of the steps)
Assn III. Reading questions from VandeWalle:
- Read the section "Models for Fractions" that begins on page 254,
and ends on page 256. From the information in the readings and
also our discussion in class...
- tell two strengths of fraction circles (please take the
criticisms of fraction circles with a grain of salt--many thoughtful
teachers and researchers like them, and they have good reasons for
liking them.)
- tell two examples and two strengths of length models
- tell one strength of making fractions from paper squares or on
grid paper
- Read the subsections of "From Fractional Parts to Fraction
- "Fractional Parts and Words" (begins on page 256)
- On page 257 fig. 9.6 has some examples of subdivided shapes.
The top shape, second from the left, is a rectangle divided into 5
parts. Explain why the parts are not fifths of the rectangle,
then figure out what fraction of the whole rectangle each of the parts
- On page 257, the middle illustration of fig. 9.7 is an
outline that could easily be made from two pattern block
hexagons. Trace your own shape like that (using 2 hexagons to
trace). Then figure out what fraction of that shape is shown by:
a. a hexagon, b. a red trapezoid, c. a blue rhombus (this is the
example shown in the book) d. a green triangle
- The first half of "Understanding Fraction Symbols"
beginning on page 257. Stop reading at the first heading on page
260 "Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions" Pause at the STOP symbol on page 259
and do
- Write your best answer in your own words to the questions on
page 259. (right before the STOP)
- Read on, and write a second answer in your own words to the
same two questions after finishing the subsection
- Write 2 things you learned from the readings
- Write 2 questions you have about things from the readings (things
that weren't clear) or about fractions in early grades math.