= Sign

 Open Number Sentences

Solving a variety of fill-in-the blank number sentences, where children need to keep the value of both sides the same is good practice in algebraic thinking.  Some good 2nd grade open number sentence problems are:

3 + __ = 5 - 1

14 + 3 = 10 + ___

5 + 9 = __ + 6

4 + 3 = 10 - __

__ + 1 = 4 + 5

16 - 4 = __ + 2

The problems where the __ comes just to the right of the = are the trickiest.

Sub problem:

If you were giving open number sentence problems where...

the first problem was




and the fourth was

5 + 1 = __ + 2

What would good choices be for problems 2 and 3 so that the problems go from easy to hard?

Write down your ideas, and then look at my suggestions