Math 411: Geometry 

Dr Langford
Contact me:

My office location: 207B NH
My office phone number:
Grading policies, etc

Useful Links:
Euclid's Elements

Most current axioms and theorems notes

Mon NH 16 Wed NH 16 Fri NH 16

Sept 4: 

Today's handout about Lines.
Listen to me talk about the definitions

Sept 9: Lines: what we figured out today, and what we're trying to figure out next. Handout

New handouts.
Write up your best proof of theorem 3b as homework to turn in Monday.

Sept. 16 Notes
Tonight work on the proofs of theorems 7-9

The new and improved version of the theorems
Notes from today's class
Sept 23 No test, but see last Friday's notes for the alternate assignment

Theorems 1-10 assignment due

 No class
Watch some hyperbolic geometry videos:
Start with some models (pictures)
Then listen to this non-technical talk
Finally check out this somewhat numerical approach.
Sept 30: 
Function theorems:
Oct 7:

Study for the test:
Proofs of theorems: 1a, 2, 3a, 3b, 3.1a, 3.1b, 4, 5.1, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13.
These questions about spherical and hyperbolic geometry


Oct 14:  Theorem 17 fill-in-the-blank
Theorems 18-19 fill-in-the-blank
Theorem 18 answer discussion

Proofs of theorems 20-23
Oct 21:  Transformation practice WS
Current Theorems list

Thm 30 proof

Oct 28: More resources:
Thm 29 proof
More questions about using axiom 3 with answers
Some questions about composition of isometries with answers
And my answer to a good question about the proof of theorem 20

Test 2

Nov 4:
 Notes with written up proofs of 32, 33, 34, 36

Nov. 11 Notes of several proofs (37, 40, 41, 44)

Updated theorems list

Try to prove Thm 42, 43

Proof project due
Nov. 18: 
Test 3
Nov 25 Current theorems list
Quadrilateral conjectures
Dec 2 : Some quadrilateral proofs

Notes from class

Dec 9: Today's notes

The list of (approximately) what will be on the test
The current theorem list (last page is the quadrilateral theorems
Selected quadrilateral proofs that people have emailed to me (as of Saturday night 12-14)
Notes from the day I proved what is now Thm 69
Proof of Thm 57
I will update this as more people send me stuff to post

 Office hours Monday 12/16 are 9:30-12:45

Final exam is 1:00-3:00