Computation Strategies, stuff to know:
- what is a “basic fact”
- what is a “fact family”
- vocabulary words for addition and subtraction:
- addend, summand
- sum
- minuend
- subtrahend
- difference
- strategies children use for figuring out addition facts:
- strategies children use for figuring out subtraction facts:
- related strategies children use for figuring out 2-digit addition problems:
- counting on
- adding on in chunks (using multiples of 10 as bridge numbers) **
- adding on in chunks by breaking one addend into tens and ones.**
- breaking both numbers into place values and combining
- looking for friendly numbers and compensating (to get back to the right answer) **
- related strategies children use for figuring out 2-digit subtraction problems:
- different strategies are efficient choices for different problems. You should know specifics for those marked with *
- strategies can be represented using equations and open number lines. You should know how to use an open number line for the problems marked with **.