Math 647 Unit: Early Number and Operations concepts

Section 1a: Standards and early number concepts

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Watch videos on this web site/the DVD
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Answer questions in Microsoft Word
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Content goals: The goals this week are for you to

Format and structure of the math standards:

Videos to watch:

1.** Introduction to the Standards
2.** Content Standards
3.** Process Standards

**Note, the numbers of the videos refer to the video numbers on your DVD.  If any video takes a long time to load, or is sluggish (skips and jerks), you may want to watch it from the DVD rather than over the internet connection.

Readings: Summary of things to know about Math Standards

Assignment 1:Worksheet about the Standards. (type your answers in, and upload your assignment to the appropriate drop box in D2L) May27

Resources: Links to Standards documents

Process standards: Note that I am using the NCTM standards as my reference when talking about process standards. This is because all the process standards are covered in somewhat more detail in the NCTM standards than in the Wisconsin standards, so that makes the NCTM standards a good place to learn about what the goals and ideas are of the process standards.

Videos to watch:

First watch The Wheel Problem which is # 14 in the Teaching Math Video Library K-4 at You will be asked to sign up for a free membership to be able to watch videos on this site. 

Readings: Then read my commentary on the process standards and the Wheel Problem (I tried to record videos, really I did, but it all sadly failed...)

Assignment 2: May 27

Either watch the video lesson: # 16: This Small House in the Teaching Math Video Library K-4 at


Read the lesson Exploring Halves from the Math Solutions issue 29 newsletter

Then write an analysis of the lesson telling what process standards are used in the lesson. (Upload your assignment to the appropriate drop box in D2L).

Stages and understandings for counting:

Videos to watch:

Watch the first half of my video on early number concepts--paying attention to the stuff about counting. We'll come back to subitizing in week 3, so we'll re-watch the video then, paying attention to the stuff about subitizing: 4. Early number concepts

Watch 5. this clip of my son counting, and read my comments about counting

Assignment 3: Math Buddies which is # 3 in the Teaching Math Video Library K-4 at

Answer these questions (type your answers in, and upload your assignment to the appropriate drop box in D2L)
May 27