Math 647 Introduction: About this Class (Course Syllabus Information)

Things to know about this course:

First, a story:

Once upon a time, a professor was asked to teach a summer course on math for elementary education for graduate students who had a hard time fitting in daytime during-the-semester courses. But, she said, I won't be here in the summer. Couldn't you teach it online? was the next request. After several such repeated requests, the professor said yes.

Then the professor met with the students who were to take this course for the first time. What, she asked, would be most useful content wise? All topics at a grade 5-7 level or a few topics at all grades (K-6 or 7). Fewer topics, more grades was the consensus, thus the course would be only number and operations and not geometry, statistics, measurement, etc.

Next, the professor warned: this class will be a lot of work. The content coverage, number of assignments and exams will be roughly equivalent to that of the undergraduate 4-credit course. Please, said the first year of students, 4 credits is very expensive--couldn't you justify calling it a 3-credit course since as graduate students we should be able to absorb the same material more efficiently. OK, said the professor, and thus it was submitted as a 3-credit course.

The moral of the story: this course is at least 4-credits worth of work. If there are sufficient complaints about this, then students in the future will have the opportunity to pay 4-credits worth of tutition to take the course.

Content and schedule:

We will be looking at number and operations topics from Kindergarten through grade 5 or 6--We will start with a quick look at counting, and then really dig into finding out how children think about and come to understand addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Then we'll build up some of the basic ideas in our base 10 number system, and look at ways to add subtract, multiply and divide with multi-digit numbers (and ways to approach these when teaching) (Unit 2). In Unit 3, we'll look at those same ideas of numbers and operations with fractions. Finally, we'll finish with looking at decimals, percents and ratios (Unit 4).

There is a lot of work, and a lot of assignments in this course. I'm providing tentative due dates for each of these assignments and units. Last year a ludicrous number of students were finishing up after the end of the semester and taking incompletes, so I am going to try to provide some incentives to stay caught up this semester, and some extra credit will be awarded for completing units by the due dates.

If you decide you must procrastinate, make sure you allow at least one week per unit to complete the course. Anything less is, so far as I can tell, impossible.


Tests and grades:

There will be a test at the end of each of the 4 units. After you have completed all of the assignments for a unit, you will request the exam for that unit.  At that point, you will have a 48-hour window to complete the exam. You will not be taking a comprehensive final exam for this class (summer 2012)

Assignments and quizzes contribute 20% of your final grade
Tests contribute 80% of your final grade

My default grading scheme is:

A- is 90-92%
A is 93-100%

B- is 80-82%
B is 83-87%
B+ is 88-89%
C- is  70-72%
C is 73-77%
C+ is 78-79%
F is below 60%
D is 60-67%
D+ is 68-69%

I decide at the end whether percentage grades that are, for example, between 92 and 93% are assigned to A- or A (I don't follow a consistent rounding rule).  I usually look at the tests and similar assessments to help me make that decision.  I also (very occasionally) will raise all or some of the grades if I feel that the work you have done shows a greater understanding of the subject than the percentage reflects, but I don't do the opposite: if your percent puts you at a particular grade, you may be sure that I will not lower your grade, even if you did say something clueless on the last test.

Technology tools

I'm going to embed these into the to-do's for the first several weeks as we go along, but here's the overview:

More tech notes, and some useful links can be found here

If you have any other questions you would like to have answered in this document, send them my way. 

Assignment: Take the D2L Quiz: Syllabus Questions.These are all questions about information that is (I believe) on this page. You may regard this as an open-book quiz (you may come back and reread this page as you take the quiz). You may retake this quiz (though I really hope that won't be necessary). This quiz has the one and only purpose of making sure that you read this page of information.