For each of these problems, tell what problem type it is. When you do similar problems for the quiz, you will be using the abbreviations:


1. Ann had 7 shells. Her mom gave her 5 more shells. How many shells does Ann have now?

2. Sarah has 4 marbles and Ann has 6 marbles. How many marbles do they have all together?

3. John had 16 M&Ms, and he ate 9 of them. How many M&Ms does he have now?

4. Alex has 16 toy cars, and Mark has 9 toy cars. How many more toy cars does Alex have than Mark?

5. Jan had some pencils, and then Matt gave her 3 more pencils. Now she has 10 pencils. How many did Jan have to begin with?

6. Mary had 9 erasers, and then her mom gave her 7 more. How many erasers does Mary have now?

7. Sam had 8 crayons, and then Jack gave him some more. Now Sam has 12 crayons. How many crayons did Jack give him?

8. Alex has 8 stickers. There are 12 places to put stickers on his sticker page. How many more stickers does Alex need to fill his sticker book?

9. Alex has 8 stickers. Mike has 2 more stickers than Alex. How many stickers does Mike have? 10. Alex has 8 stickers. He has 2 fewer stickers than Mike. How many stickers does Mike have?
11. Mike has 10 stickers. Alex has 2 fewer stickers than Mike. How many stickers does Alex have? 12. Mike has 10 stickers. He has 2 more stickers than Alex. How many stickers does Alex have?

A few others to round out the set:

13. Karen had 12 colored pencils. 8 of them were sharpened, and the rest were not sharpened. How many pencils were not sharpened?

14. Karen had 12 new crayons. Some of them broke. Now she has 8 crayons that are not broken. How many crayons were broken?

15. Jim's mom put some cookies in his lunch bag. He gave 3 to Paul, and had 4 left for himself. How many cookies did Jim's mom put in his bag?
