The big picture of what you will be producing for this class is a plan for teaching part of a math unit. You will be making formative assessments, writing 2-3 detailed lesson plans, with lots of supporting information/essays. You will be teaching those two lessons, and you will have one of those two lessons video taped (for me to view).

Under construction Feb 7. I'm in the process of updating this after our class today. I'm about half way done.

Assignment points due date

Talk to your cooperating teacher, and schedule when you will be able to teach 2 lessons as part of a math unit. Make copies of the teachers guide for that unit (up through the lessons you will be teaching). Discuss permissions for video recording (sample letter). Submit a report/plan.

6 points for submitting your planning report The sooner the better
Write and submit a unit overview. 20 pts 2 weeks before the beginning of the unit.
Formative assessment: Identify prior knowledge and skills children will need in the unit. Observe the class several times, or interview a range of students to find out their prior knowledge. Write the knowledge of children to inform teaching section of the planning commentary. See below No later than 1 week before teaching the lessons.
Inquiry activity plan: looking at the lessons you will be teaching, figure out where an inquiry activity would fit best. Brainstorm an inquiry activity with a guiding question that children will investigate. Submit a 1-paragraph synopsis of your idea for feedback. 4 1.5 weeks before beginning of unit

Two full length lesson plans (plan and teach)
Submit each lesson plan

20 pts per lesson plan

Each lesson plan is due 4 days before it will/would be taught in the unit schedule. Submit it to me and to your cooperating teacher before teaching the lesson.
Complete and submit the planning commentary 80 pts for the planning commentary (Prompt subscores: 1: 8 pts, 2: 8 pts, 3: 10 pts, 4: 6 pts; 5: 12 pts; 8: 8 pts; 7: 6 pts; 8: 6 pts, 9: 6 pts
...probably. These might change by up to 2 pts.)
Submit copies of instructional materials that you will use in the lessons (eg. handouts, Smart Notebook or Powerpoint slides). Format into a single file. 5 pts for instructional materials formatted in a single file.  
Submit copies of assessment materials that you will use the the lessons (eg. handouts or student workbook pages). Format into a single file. 5 points for assessment materials (1 file)  
Video taped lesson (2-3 segments from the lesson for a total of 15 minutes) 15 Due May 9
Instruction commentary (pay particular attention to prompt 3)    

Evidence of learning and feedback:

  • Collect and compile into a single file examples of assessed student work including that of the 2 focus children.
  • Include your feedback to the children (including comments on pencil and paper work and your notes of verbal feedback).
  • Note that in the Ed TPA, you will need to submit audio files to show your verbal feedback, but you won't need to do that for this assignment.
Assessment commentary (give extra attention to 1 and 3a.)    

Step 1: Meet with your cooperating teacher and discuss the requirements for your field experience (this can count as 1 observation hour):

Submit the plan you and your cooperating teacher worked out. Your plan must include:

Step 2: Read through the unit, and study the lessons you will be teaching. Unit outline template

Submit an outline of the unit including:

Step 3: Observe the class during math lessons:

Submit an observation/ formative assessment plan (focusing on 3 children in the class). Your formative assessment plans should include:

Submit an observation report (focusing on 3 children in the class):

For the prior knowledge concepts and skills, report on the following (include specific examples whenever possible)

For group and partner interactions, report on the following (include specific examples whenever possible)

Step 4: Write the 2 full length lesson plans, and teach 2 of the lessons. Lesson plan template

The full length lesson plans must include activities (at least one of each) where:

These requirements can be in separate lessons, or they can be combined into the same lesson. 

Each lesson must also include:

Step 5: Teach the lessons you are scheduled to teach. Video tape at least one of them. 

Prepare two 5-minute segments from your video taped lesson that show your communication skills.

Step 6: Write and submit reflections on the lessons you taught

within 1 week of teaching the lesson.

Step 7: Write the reflection for teacher standard 6, and submit to the dropbox.

Your standard 6 reflection should in part reflect on what you actually did while teaching a lesson.  This reflection should be written after teaching a lesson that you can use to talk about your communication skills and strategies. Your reflection should connect specifically to things shown in the video and in your lesson plans and reflections.

Step 8: Finish the reflection for teacher standard 1, and submit to the dropbox.

Your standard 1 reflection should reference both of your lesson plans.

Step 9: Put your unit plan on Chalk and Wire;

Put your teacher standard reflections on Chalk and Wire, and link them to the unit plan.  Send me an e-mail alerting me that they have been submitted.