Video assignment 2: The transition lesson for teaching 3-digit adding by demonstrating and explaining
Your task: On video (recorded in Jing or something equivalent), record yourself demonstrating how to add 3-digit numbers as a lesson in the transition phase:
- Make up a problem where you add two 3-digit numbers, where you need to trade (regroup) twice.
- Show what to do with the manipulatives, and then show how to write down that step with numbers. Continue going back and forth between manipulatives and numbers at every step.
- Talk as though you are explaining each step as you go. You may either just give verbal explanations of each step or you can simulate a discussion with "students"
Things I will take into consideration as I grade this:
- Did you choose a good problem? A good problem should have two steps where you regroup, and it should also have a variety of digits (your explanation will be more clear if you don't have too many 3's in your problem).
- What language are you using for exchanging? You can use trade, exchange, regroup, rename or make, you should not be using "carry".
- Are you using place value language? If you have 4 in the tens place, that number represents 4 tens or 40, but it is not simply 4.
- Are you effectively going back and forth between the manipulatives and the numbers? You should be using the manipulative steps at each stage to explain the numerical steps.
This video is due on Saturday 11/19