Contact me: e-mail: laurel.langford@uwrf.edu My schedule My office location: 206E NH My office phone number: 715-425-4360 |
Grading policies, etc Syllabus |
Useful Links: |
Weekly topics, assignments, readings, announcements, etc. | Cool extra links and references |
Sept 12: Counting and whole number representations Homework assignment, (quiz on D2L), The Yoruba number system. The article: The Work of Glendon Lean on the Counting Systems of Papua New Guinea and Oceana is in the content section of D2L, and can be requested through the library. |
Mental floss on number systems A collection of cool number systems words A high school level introduction to Babylonian numbers |
Sept 19:
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and maybe
division: Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian (Chinese rod numerals?) Presentation: Egyptian multiplication Extra reading on Babylonian numbers multiplication |
Sept 26:
Fractions: Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and the
Euclidean algorithm for GCDs Presentation: Euclidean algorithm |
Oct 3:
Solutions to linear equations (and more
complicated linear equations) Presentation: Solution by false position or Brahmagupta's solutions |
Oct 10:
Irrational numbers and geometry Presentation: irrationality of prime square roots |
Oct 17: How Greek geometry influenced the development of logic and mathematics | |
Oct 24: Solving quadratic equations Presentation: completing the square visually |
Oct 31 Higher order equations--degrees 3, 4, and maybe 5 Presentation: simplifying degree 3 polynomials. |
Nov 7 | |
Nov 14 | |
Nov 21 | |
Nov 28 | |
Dec 5 | |
Dec 12 | |