Test on Chapters 4-6
Be able to do:
- Polynomial arithmetic on polynomials with coefficients in a given ring.
- Long divide polynomials with coefficients in a given field.
- Use long division to describe congruence classes in a polynomial ring mod a given polynomial.
- Show that Q(√ n ) is a field (chapter 5)
- ((Use the first isomorphism theorem on the function f : Q[x]→ Q(√ n ) given by f(p(x))=p(√ n ) to prove that Q[x]/(x2-n) is isomorphic to Q(√ n )))--deleted
- prove that a subset of a ring is (or is not) an ideal
- List the principal ideals of a ring
- List the cosets of an ideal in a ring
- prove that a function is a surjective homomorphism
- find the kernel of a homomorphism.
- Prove a map from Znm → Zn is a well defined homomorphism
- Use the first isomorphism theorem to prove an isomorphism
- Use thm 6.11 to prove a homomorphism is 1-1.
Know how to prove:
Theorems 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5