Montessori Math resources
My SMART Notebook files (Montessori and otherwise)
Base 10 blocks
Grids to use with decimals and percents
Stamp game
Jennifer's Dot Games
Bead Frame
Fraction circles
Fraction squares
Number cards up to 99 with an abacus
(of the
s type)
note: Some computers don't like downloaded SMART Notebook files. I don't know why. If your computer can't open these, e-mail me
and ask for an e-mailed copy. That has always fixed the problems so far.
Key Attributes of Montessori Education
Dot Game paper
Stamp Game color printables
Stamp Game Blackline master printables
Videos of me doing various computations with Montessori materials
Checkerboard multiplication
Checkerboard and connections to lattice multiplication
Stamp game multiplication
Stamp game division
vid 2