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Disturbing Words from the Mouth of a 6th Grader

Since our Field Experience practicum just ended, I spent some time earlier and thought about my observations at Meyer Middle School. Overall, I really enjoyed my cooperating teacher and many of the great things that she taught me/things that I learned just from watching, but one instance has stuck in the back of my mind ever since it happened. The situation occurred in a different room but with a teacher who is in Mrs. Tiedke’s hall, so I did not see it happen but here’s what I was told: The teacher stated that a specific student, who usually has problems focusing, paying attention, and doing their homework was playing Mad Gabs like they should have been, along with the rest of the class. I’m not quite sure how this game is played and why certain words would be read out loud, but the student supposedly read aloud at least 4 sexually graphic words/phrases that they came up with in front of the entire class. The teacher said that the student was immediately told to leave class, but I’m wondering how we all would react. Would you make a scene of it by telling him to leave? Or would you hold him until after class to talk to him then? I think we would all agree that something has to be done, but then to take it a step further, if you were the principal/asst principal, what would the consequences of something like this be? Are handbooks/school guidelines very clear on the consequences for things like this that are transmitted verbally?

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