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Welcome Spring 2010

Welcome to the class blog.  We’ll be sharing good ideas we find on the internet in this forum

You will be writing at least 4 blog posts, and commenting on others’ posts at least 8 times over the semester. 1 post + 2 comments due by: Feb 14; Mar 7; April 11; May 5.

Posts should be on topics related to teaching math. Some suggestions are: find post on another math teacher blog that you really like, and write about it–make sure you include a link; find a web site with a teaching idea or tool that you like and write about it–include a link; write about something you’ve done or seen a math teacher do that worked really well and write about it; find something that a student (make sure to keep them anonymous) did that puzzled you or gave you an insight into how students think about math and write about it.

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