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Unique Classroom Activity Management

Looking back on my field eperience at St. Croix Central H.S.  I am extremely greatful that I was placed with my cooperating teacher, Tricia Rogers.  She had a very relaxed environment and was open to any ideas to help address the homework or unit content.  I learned a lot about classroom management when doing a particular activity, the shadow activity, outside of the classroom.  Not only was their preperation in the activity and corresponding worksheet, but there was time set aside to think about what doors we should enter/exit the school, when to hand back the quizzes from the previous day, and whether or not to use more than two people in a group.

The amount of time that Tricia put into thinking about a lesson astounded me; it was great experience for me to see that the homework and content knowledge is not the only think that needs to be prepared.  I think it eventually becomes a natural tendency to think about these things as a teacher; however, this all comes with experience in the field.

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