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interesting things

This was from one of the people that Langford put on her list, and there were a couple of interesting ideas that I found. One of these things was the idea of switching seats. This particular teacher has his students switch seats at the beginning of every chapter. First of all, would you personally let your students choose where they sit, or do you believe assigned seats are the best way to go. (speaking generally of course, I realize that every class is different and may have different needs).

The other idea that I found very interesting was the review game he had. It was the game UNO Stacko, and he would divide the class into groups of 4, and he would choose a student at random to answer a question. If the student answered correctly, they would have to remove 2 blocks from the tower, but if they answered incorrectly, they would have to remove 4 blocks. If the tower fell while a student was removing blocks, each student would receive extra credit, except for that student and the group that he or she was in. I thought that this was very creative, although there may be some things I would change about it if I were to use this in my class, but overall a good use of a preexisting game. Does anyone else have any ideas of games such as this? I know we have already used the “fly swatter” game in 305, but any other ideas would be great!

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