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Let Go Old or New Teachers

EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE should watch this video!!  This past weekend I saaw this on ABC news.  It brings up some very valid points.  I would like to agrue both sides: firing based on seniority and firing based on results. For years firing has been mostly based on seniority, with the exceptions of some firing taking place […]

Classroom Participation

Monday was my first day back in Ellsworth observing in a high school math classroom.  I was able to observe a class that is new to my cooperating teacher for this semester.  Immediately I noticed how much less class participation there was.  The other classes I observed last time I was in the class would […]

Teacher Tube

I personally love youtube.  It can give you short clips that can be nice to use as hooks or to develope problems.  However, some of the information may not be correct and some of the posts may be inappropriate for the school setting.  That is why Teacher Tube is nice.  There are a variety of […]

Do Learning Styles Exist?

The following link takes you to a youtube video posted by Professor Daniel Willingham discussing his study on learning styles and his belief that they do not exist.  I am not sure if this video gives me enough to base a decision as to whether or not learning styles exist.  However, don’t take my word […]