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Disturbing Words from the Mouth of a 6th Grader

Since our Field Experience practicum just ended, I spent some time earlier and thought about my observations at Meyer Middle School. Overall, I really enjoyed my cooperating teacher and many of the great things that she taught me/things that I learned just from watching, but one instance has stuck in the back of my mind […]

Math Learning Disabilities

While many of our students will not have “dycalculia”, this website that I came upon provides some very good advice and insight into the mind of almost any child. We can all continually work on thinking about the mind of each student and how they will perceive things in math. A few simple examples are […]

Math Magician Game

Students should usually have their math facts down pat by 6th grade, but some don’t…. I found a math game, that if combined with some kind of reward for achieving a certain score and time, would be good for those students lacking in knowledge of basic multiplication and division tables. This online math game essentially represents flash cards, […]

Rhythm Wheels

I found this really cool website the other day… it combines math, social studies,  and music! It is called a rhythm wheel and in math, the students use it to find the LCM (Go to teaching materials, and then the short version of  “lesson plan for rhythm wheels”). For social studies, they have great references […]