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Learning from mistakes

Mimi has a post about a great lesson focused on the details of solving algebra problems, and catching and understanding errors.   She’s taken a lot of great ideas and combined them into a fabulous lesson.  You should go take a look!

piecewise defined functions

Amy Gruen at square root of negative one teach math has found a way to teach piecewise defined functions that worked for her students.  This is a really difficult skill for a lot of students, so this is a totally awesome lesson to read about–go read it!

Geogebra applets

See my version of the finished product here

Using computers to share visualizations

One of the ways math teachers use computers to help them teach, is to use computers to provide animated visualization tools to convey important concepts.  You saw that with the parabola with sliders you created last class.  Besides using sliders to make instantly changing graphs to help students understand the effects of different terms in […]

Some links to fun applets

I found a new collection of applets, so I thought I’d better save the link somewhere.  Here it is (SLU was new to me) along with a bunch of other sites that might (or might not) be new to you. NLVM Wisweb Manipula math SLU applets Interactivate MNWest Geogebra Applets

More Excel

Today we’re going to review some of the things we did with Excel last week, and try out a few new things: A review of the basics: =, $, SQRT, ROUND If-then in formulas Spinners random numbers, and random choice from a list


Today we are learning how to use some of the features in Fathom.  For our turn-in assignment on Fathom, you’ll be importing some data from Excel, and using Fathom to fit a line or curve to help analyze the data. This is my box folder where the data is that we’ll be using.


Got to the Peanut Software page and download Winplot.  Install (unzip) it onto the desktop if you are in the lab (if it’s your home computer, of course, you can install it wherever you wish). You can make 2D graphs of equations (Equa), and set the color and pen width however you want it to […]

Write about a math lesson that uses Excel

Find a math lesson (on the web) that uses Excel or some other spreadsheet. Write a blog post about it. Include a link to the site where you found the lesson Tell what math is taught in the lesson (and grade level if any) What makes the technology piece better than a chalk board (if […]


Today we’re going to explore Geogebra.  This is a free program that does a lot of the things Geometers Sketchpad does (they both have nice features that the other doesn’t have, but most of the obvious features are ones they share). Goals with Geogebra: Construct a parallelogram Show what happens if your reflect an object […]