Math 247 Unit 2: Base 10 numbers and algorithms

Week 5: Addition and subtraction algorithms.

Goal: The goals this week are for you to


SMART notebooks with manipulatives for base 10 blocks, base 5 blocks, Montessori stamp game stamps. Montessori checkerboard, and a Montessori bead frame/abacus*, and the ALAbacus*.  Here is a site where you can find printable grid paper

*Note that if you want to show me what you did on these abacuses, you can't just save the SMART Notebook, because the abacus is a Flash program that is embedded in the notebook, and not a graphic.  If you want to use this and show me a picture of what you did, you will need to use some sort of screen capture device.  The screen capture camera in the SMART Notebook toolbar works fine, as does the screen capture built into Jing.

Some applets you might find useful: the base 10 blocks you can glue together and break apart; the site that has the buiilding with blocks applet, and the site with the array multiplication applet (Rectangle Multiplication)


What we're going to be doing this week and next and why.

Assignments: Please scan as necessary, and put all assignments in the dropbox.


Do first:

Do: Try it yourself

Watch: What do other people do?

Assignment: Write about it (submit to dropbox)

Alternate algorithms:

Invented and Expanded algorithms
UK version of the addition algorithm
Lattice algorithm

The discussion of Children's Strategies for Addition (Textbook pg 133-136)

Assignment: Practice (do, scan, dropbox)  July 27

Mental math:

Do and read: the Mental Addition exporation on page 131, and the discussion that follows (pg 131-133

Assignment: Practice: textbook pg 147 # 11.  You should be using the mental addition strategies from the exploration and discussion on more than half of the problems. (scan or type, dropbox)  July 27
The standard algorithm:

Watch: modeling and making connections for the standard algorithm

Read: The textbook discussion p.137-139

Assignment: Show how to model and make connections for the standard algorithm (video assignment: do, save, put the link in a word document and dropbox it). July 27 Guidelines for presenting explanations

Error patterns

Watch: addition error patterns

Very Optional Reading: I highly reccommend the book "Error Patterns in Computation" by Robert B Ashlock.  I have stolen most of my ideas and examples from this book.

Assignment: Do the assignment "addition error patterns and algorithms" on D2L->content->assignments. (print, do, scan, dropbox) July 27


Do first:

Do: Try it yourself

Watch: What do other people do? Separate subtraction solutions; compare subtraction solutions take 1, take 2.

Assignment: Write about it, and do some base 5 calculations (Print, do, scan, dropbox) July 28

Alternate algorithms:

Equal Additions Algorithm

Left to right algorithms: negative numbers and a variation on the standard algorithm


Textbook (Bassarear): read Childrens Strategies for Subtraction pgs 153-155
An Alternative Algorithm pgs 157-158

Assignment: Practice (scan, dropbox) July 28

Teaching with invented algorithms, and childrens strategies for subtraction

Tip: print the assignment for this section before watching the video, so you know what to watch for.

Watch: Negative numbers and subtracting: watch this class figure out a way to use negative numbers for 2-digit subtraction.  At the site Watch #15: Bean Sprouts (note: this is a long video.  If you have a slow connection or a slow computer, you might want to pause it and let it download for a while before you start watching).

Read: Two articles in D2L->Content->Readings

What Nathan Teaches Us About Transitional Thinking
Second Graders Circumvent Addition and Subtraction Difficulties

Assignment: Questions about the Video and Readings (either type into the document, or hand-write your answers and scan.  If you are planning to print it out and then hand-write onto it, you should add in a lot of spaces before you print it--I have not left writing space. Dropbox) July 28

Mental math and open number lines:

Do: Try these

Watch: Some mental subtraction strategies
More number lines, open number lines and adding up.

Read the mental subtraction discussion n the textbook (pgs 151-152)

Assignment: Practice  July 28
The standard algorithm:

Watch: modeling and making connections for the standard algorithm Examples with 2 exchanges: #1, #2; Examples with a 0 in the tens place of the minuend #1, #2; Another way of looking at the standard algorithm.

Read: Bassarear pg 155-156

Assignment: Show how to model and make connections for the standard algorithm (video assignment) July 28 Guidelines for presenting explanations

Error patterns

Watch: about error patterns

Assignment: Do the assignment "subtraction error patterns and algorithms" on D2L->content->assignments. (print, do, scan, dropbox) July 28