Test 1 study guide
- There may be some problems similar to the reakeable CGI problem types quiz, where you identify the problem type of a given addition or subtraction problem.
- There will definitely be some problems of the sort that I have been including on the practice problems but that I can't put on a multiple choice quiz.
CGI Addition and subtraction:
- Write word problems of a given problem type.
- Given two problems of different problem types, identify which is more difficult (see especially lesson 8 and the discussion embedded in the instructions for the CGI Interview assignment)
- Given two word problems of the same problem type, identify which is more difficult (see especially lesson 5)
- Given a word problem or word problem type, explain a typical way that a child would direct model it for the following problem types: JRU, SRU, JCU (this modeling strategy is different from SRU) and CDU.
CGI Multiplication or division:
- Given a word problem (grouping rate or price), tell whether it is multiplication, measurement division or partitive division.
- Write a multiplication, measurement division or partitive division problem with specific given numbers (for example, write a measurement division problem for 18÷3=6).
- Given a multiplication or division word problem written in a passive mode, change it to emphasize an action
- Explain a typical way a child might direct model to solve a multiplication, measurement division or partitive division problem with either counters or Cuisenaire rods (for example: describe how a child would solve a measurement division problem 18÷3 using Cuisenaire rods; illustrate your description with a sketch of the manipulatives).
Study the practice problems on the patterns page. There will be a few patterns problems on the test.