Number sense and strategies interview:

You will be choosing some number facts or other short addition or subtraction porblems to ask children to solve during an interview. You will be recording which strategies children use for which problems. As with the last interview, you will be doing individual or small group interviews with at least 5 students.

For this interview:

Choosing problems:

Pick a question about childrens strategies or several related questions to focus on, and pick problems that will help you answer those questions.  Suggestions:

Which facts do the children have memorized? Video of me rambling on about this

Which counting strategies are children using? Another video. Hopefully useful.

Do the children know all of the doubles, and how are they using their knowledge of doubles?

First or second grade: almost all children will know the doubles to 5+5.  Ask in a randomized order the doubles for 6, 7, 8 and 9.  Ask 2-3 problems that could be solved using doubles +1 (what children if any are using the doubles to help them solve those problems). Ask 2-3 problems that could be solved using doubles +2 (what children if any are using the doubles to help them solve those problems). Ask 2-3 problems where you are subtracting using a double, such as 16-8 and 2-3 subtraction problems that are near doubles such as 15-7 (what children if any are using the doubles to help them solve those problems)? (The same problems are appropriate for both first and second graders, but more second grade children will have problems memorized or will have efficient strategies for these problems).

Do the children know all of the partners that make 10, and how are they using their knowledge of partners that make 10?

First or second grade: