Ways of direct modeling:

Join Result Unknown (JRU) problems can be solved by direct modeling using the Join All direct modeling strategy. The Join all strategy looks like this:

Problem: Mary had 4 pencils. Her teacher gave her 2 more pencils. How many pencils does Mary have now?

Joining all strategy:

Separate Result Unknown (SRU) problems can be solved by the Separate from strategy,

Problem: Kyle had 6 pencils. He gave 2 of his pencils to Mike. How many pencils does Kyle have now?

Separating from strategy:

Join Change Unknown (JCU): problems can be solved by the Join To strategy.

Problem: Ted made 4 paper airplanes in the morning. How many more paper airplanes does he need to make to have 6 paper airplanes?

Join to strategy:

Compare, difference unknown (CDU) problems can be direct modeled using a matching or compare strategy.

Problem: Kelly has 9 pencils. John has 6 pencils. How many more pencils does Kelly have than John?

Matching/comparing strategy: