Video Assignment:

Computer stuff to do:

Install Jing to record yourself

Follow the link above to the Jing download page.
Download the free version (link at upper right of page)
Install the software on your computer
You may want to watch or read the tutorial on making your first capture or making a video.

Install SMART Notebook. Go to the Content section of the D2L site for this course. Click where it says: Smart Notebook Software -> Download Information. Follow the instructions to download and then install the SMART Notebook software.

Get the SMART Notebook with base 10 blocks in it. You can try to download it here; I will also be e-mailing it to everyone (sometimes downloading the notebook makes it unreadable--I think it's a browser dependent problem).

The Assignment

Record yourself solving these problems using manipulatives. Record your answer at the end. You do not need to record your work as you go along. Your process should be the process I modeled for Addition Lesson 2 and Subtraction Lesson 2 from our Base 10 Lesson 3: Teaching 2-digit addition and subtraction by demonstrating and explaining.

a. 28+46

b. 64-38

At the end of your recording, you need to save your video. You can save it to your computer, or you can make a free account and save it there.

Then you need to send me your video.