Childrens strategies for addition and subtraction:

1. Watch this youtube number talk: In this number talk, two boys explain how they would solve 99+57.

A. Explain how the first boy solved the problem. Show how to use his same strategy to solve 98+35

B. Explain how the second boy solved the problem. Show how to use his same strategy to solve 98+35

2. On D2L In the Content Section in Number Strategies Vids, watch the Grade 3 Subtraction Number Talk.

A. Grant solved 70-59 by "shifting the number line". Explain exactly what he did for that problem. Show how to use his same strategy to solve 80-58.

B. Taylor Solved 70-59 on the same number line in a different way. Explain what she did for that problem. Show how to use her same strategy to solve 80-58

C. Noel used a different strategy to solve 70-59 (not a number line strategy). Explain what she did for that problem. Show how to use her same strategy to solve 80-58.

Not part of the assignment, but isn't it cool how the teacher used the number line to explain Avery's strategy to the class!