Base 10 Lesson 3: Teaching 2-digit addition and subtraction by demonstrating and explaining.

For this assignment, I want to hear the language you'll use to describe the process of adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers using the standard algorithm and base-10 manipulatives. I've simplified the assignment a lot since last year, but it's still kinda complicated.

Video explanation/demo

Step 1: download this Smart Notebook file: AddSub2DigAssn.notebook

Step 2: open Smart Notebook Express. Once you have Smart Notebook Express opened, you should open the file AddSub2DigAssn.notebook that you just downloaded.

If Notebook Express doesn't work for you, you should go to the Content section of our D2L site, and follow the instructions to download and install the full program Smart Notebook (note that you must install it after downloading).

Step 3: Put the manipulative and numerical steps in order on each of the Notebook pages

Step 4: Start a screen recording program.

Step 5: Record

Step 6: Save your recording and turn it in to the D2L dropbox. You may have saved it to a web site or to your computer.