Math 436: History of Mathematics 

Dr Langford
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Some help videos by chapter


Weekly topics, assignments, readings, announcements, etc. Cool extra links and references
Sept 12: Counting and whole number representations
Homework assignment, (quiz on D2L), The Yoruba number system. The article: The Work of Glendon Lean on the Counting Systems of Papua New Guinea and Oceana is in the content section of D2L, and can be requested through the library.
Mental floss on number systems
A collection of cool number systems words
A high school level introduction to Babylonian numbers
Sept 19: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and maybe division: Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian (Chinese rod numerals?)
Presentation: Egyptian multiplication
Extra reading on Babylonian numbers multiplication
Sept 26: Fractions: Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and the Euclidean algorithm for GCDs
Presentation: Euclidean algorithm
Oct 3: Solutions to linear equations (and more complicated linear equations)
Presentation: Solution by false position or Brahmagupta's solutions
Oct 10: Irrational numbers and geometry
Presentation: irrationality of prime square roots
Oct 17: How Greek geometry influenced the development of logic and mathematics
Oct 24: Solving quadratic equations
Presentation: completing the square visually
Oct 31 Higher order equations--degrees 3, 4, and maybe 5
Presentation: simplifying degree 3 polynomials.
Nov 7
Nov 14
Nov 21
Nov 28
Dec 5
Dec 12