Fraction practice part 1

1. Equivalent fractions using a visual model. Explain how we know that 14/6 = 7/3.

Things I look for in an explanation:

2. Multiplying fractions: Explain multiplication of fractions using a visual model for the two examples: 2/3 x 4/5 and 13/6 x 8/5

Things I look for in an explanation:

Fraction practice part 2

3. Adding fractions: Explain addition of fractions using a visual model for the example 3/4 + 2/5

Things I look for in an explanation:

4. Subtracting mixed numbers. Explain subtraction of mixed numbers for the example: 5 1/3 - 1 3/4. You should include in words explanations that would address or help to correct the common error that leads to the incorrect answer of 4 5/12

Things I look for in an explanation:

5. Dividing fractions: Explain division of fractions using a visual model for the example 7/4 ÷ 2/3

Things I look for in an explanation: